patella tracking

Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)

Patella Femoral Pain syndrome is the most common knee disorder, accounting for 25% of all

knee diagnoses. It is often a common complaint following meniscus or ACL injury and is the

most common injury for runners.

There are multiple factors that contribute to PFPS. However, PFPS is commonly associated

with repetitive micro trauma, impaired hip muscle strength, and lower extremity flexibility.

Through proper examination a physical therapist can help to determine the contributing factors

causing your pain and difficulty from PFPS and help give you the tools needed to improve function and

decrease pain with activity.

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Runner's Knee


Runner’s Knee 


  • Pain around the knee cap when on one leg such as running and stairs.

  • Knee pain with standing and walking after prolonged sitting


  • This injury can affect people of any fitness level or age. 

  • It is caused by overuse and under stretching of the TFL muscle which is on the side of the hip and attaches to the IT band, which attaches to the knee cap.


  • Instruction on how and when to stretch the TFL muscle to prevent pulling on knee cap

  • Targeted strengthening that avoids over stressing the muscle but still challenges it

  • Guided return to movement with a progressive increase in activity
